The SourceForge site for VirtuaNet.

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VirtuaNet is designed to be a simulation of a possible future 'hollywood-esque' network, in which corporate spies and sabotage run rampant. It is designed to be a single player game, but multiplayer may be added in the future, allowing players to battle

Log for VirtuaNet and glWindow!
June 18, 2004:
  • Yes, it's been a year since my last post. This project is basically dead... :-( I haven't even started on the game part. This is because I have been working on my other projects instead.
  • The window manager (glWindow) is pretty usable but still has a few bugs.
  • Plenty of other projects exist, including PyUI. Check out the Python site for a list of projects.
  • If anyone shows interest in this project by sending me an e-mail (ace123 (aT] users <D0t sourceforge,net) in either the glWindow or VirtuaNet sections then I will continue this project :-)
  • Also, check out some other games that I am actively working on: Vega Strike and Iridescence. I also have a personal homepage.
June 18, 2003:
  • Now you can click inside of any textbox, and in most cases, it will position the cursor to where you have clicked.
  • The up and down keys now work inside of multi-line text boxes, allowing you to move up and down.
  • I also fixed a few scissor bugs by resetting the scissor every frame (in case it screwed up for any reason)
February 7, 2003:
  • I have finally added menus. (basically just item lists that call a function when you click on them)
  • I added a window menu that allows you to do more functions then ever. Just right click on any of the window buttons (title bar, resizer and x button) and enjoy!
  • I have fixed errors because the window is not in the parent subwindow list and if the window is near the top edge but you hide it.
  • I've kind of changed my site... it shouldn't look much different.
  • I have added a Download page
January 21, 2003:
  • Added clipping for all objects (not just windows).
  • Added a resizer button.
  • Fixed that when you click on an object and drag your mouse off (such as the x button), It doesn't do the function (like closing the window).
  • Added colors for buttons that are being pressed down.
  • Committed my code for the first time. ;-)
  • Fixed scrollbars in textboxes to not have enter bugs after one scroll. (Don't ask me why. I just moved an if statement and it worked.)
  • made it simulate pressing down titlebars, resizer buttons in case you want to make an external click function on those and to make it look cooler.
January 16, 2003:
  • Clippping is... a little better...
    It recursively clips now... but if a subwindow goes oof the edge of the parent window, funky things happen. (Well not that strange., just the width grows bigger) and it looks strange
  • I made a subwindow move modifier that will allow ont to move a subwindow if, for example, its titlebar is off the top.
  • I hope (but am not that sure) that I am ready for the actual game...
  • Code still needs some cleaning up, so it is't committed.
January 12, 2003:
  • I fixed the textboxes finally...
  • I am woring on a problem with a subwindow because it doesn't scissor off the side correctly...
September 12, 2002:
  • I am almost done testing the glwindow section.  I just have a few more objects left.
  • the glwindow package has now been imported.  The new virtuanet module has been branched under the C++ Branch.
  • to get Virtuanet for python, type:

    cvs checkout virtuanet
    cd virtuanet
    cvs checkout glwindow

    or if you just want the glwindow module, do the latter of the two.
  • if you want virtuanet for C++, type:

    cvs checkout -r C++ virtuanet

    The C++ branch includes both glwindow and virtuanet
September 7, 2002:
  • I ended up using the xml.sax library for python, so all of my class inherit from it.
  • I am now done with the object, window, button and textbox classes... Only a few more smaller and less important ones left!
  • none of my work has been tested yet and I am 100% sure that I will find at least one bug in my code
August 18, 2002:
  • I am currently porting glwindow to Python by using a library called PyOpenGL and Python Imaging Library (PIL).
  • Python will garbage collect for me so I will not have to worry about that aspect ofd the program.
  • It will not be put on the SourceForge CVS tree yet...  I will wait until I get fairly done with the glwindow part before doing that.
  • The C++ version of the glwindow section will still be avaiiable and still works ;-).  I am going to try to keep it up to date.
  • I will soon be using a python port of the expat library for the config files. (I don't know if it will be as easy to use it in C++.) :-/
June 1, 2002:
  • A huge change in the whole program:  I had to change all of the vectors of Containers to vectors of pointers to containers.  This had to be done because of copy constructor problems that caused the game to crash when you exit.
  • It also fixed lots of memory loss in 'dumb' operating systems like Windows 95, 98 or ME.
  • I needed to fix deleted memory problems with e-fence in linux to keep Containers to get deleted.
  • Vegastrike is probably going to have my glwindow section of the game added, as the developer on the Graphical User Interfase section of the project has stopped working.
May 18, 2002:
  • Finally was able to commit...
  • ADDED FILE CLASSES!!!  This is my biggest modification in the heirachy of classes since I started my sourceforge project.
  • The bad thing is that there are lot of bugs and very little testing :(
  • Working on a class hierachy web-page to clear up the classes hat I have.
May 8, 2002:
  • Added Files...
  • I have fixed a bug in the Item Lists that allowed you to open a program that was past the end of the list.
  • I am currently working on Program classes and I am doing a huge remodling of my Program class hierachy
    I had to make a template class derived from a simple base class in order to allow different types of programs and to allow me to run more than one program's functions without a switch or an if statement by using virtual functions at the same time as allowing it to be used as a single class.
  • All of my work has been untested and uncommitted, as it has not gotten close to compiling yet... :(
April 23, 2002:
  • I was on a big vacation and did a lot of work!
  • I added a desktop window.
  • I added windows that stay on all desktops.
  • I have a desktop progam done!!!
  • and a lot more that I can not think of at the moment!!!
April 4, 2002:
  • I got a screenshots page up... (And I finally fixed this link on May 2, 2002)
  • I dicided against using the other scrollbars...  I think that mine are okay.
  • I have completely seperated the glwindow code from the
  • I'm ready to start my game!!!! (not the windowing system)
March 24, 2002:
    It turns out that it was better not to use Vegastrike's code, so I wrote my own that looks exactly the same, but works in my game.
  • I fixed more miscellaneous stuff...
  • I am just about done with the windowing system!!!  I'm not going to try to make any changes ;)
March 23, 2002:
    Now all it needs is testing.
  • The memory bug is fixed by taking out a useless line of code.
  • I am ready to start the scrollbar thingy
March 22, 2002:
  • I found another annoying bug that says that somewhere in the game I accessed bad memory (that helps a lot)
  • I fixed the progress bar.
  • I am just about to work on the positioning thing.
  • I made an error function that at least tells the user if something went wrong, rather than just quitting.
  • I made the running function part of Program
  • I made another option for windows: to have an x-button, but not be closeable.
March 20, 2002:
    The problem was that a Get function was returning NULL.  The Get function returns NULL when destroyed is true.  The problem was that destroyed was uninitalized.  I made it set destroyed to 0 and the program worked!
  • I started to make a progress bar program that makes progress bar and runs a function when it is done.
  • I still need to work on the positioning thing.
  • I found that one of the programmers of Vegastrike has taken some of my code and made good scrollbars that actually work well.  I need to try to use them in my game rather than those terrible ones ;)
March 2, 2002:
  • Added a quit key to quit the windows!
  • Committed data (which I havn't been doing for a while).
  • Found a lot of bugs with positioning things in windows...
    I think I will just redo the whole positioning thing. :(
    It has given me a lot of problems and now just gave me an even bigger one.
  • I made progress bars text-buttons, which means that they display their percentage!
March 1, 2002:
  • I got progress bars working!!!!!!!!!
  • Now the operating System "Program" tells you when he progress bar gets to 100%
  • It also says when you quit the "Program" with the X button
  • Try CVS updating and trying out VirtuaNet!!!
February 25, 2002:
  • It now displays a message on the console when the program gets a chance to do something! (like the progress bar will go up 1% or so.)
  • I got this log ready and caught up on the things I missed (thanks to the CVS log)!
February 16, 2002:
  • Added object ids so functions can find them easier
    for example, Object *obj=win->Get("ok") would get the "Ok" button if it's id is "ok".
  • Started to work on programs/operating systems and dividing up CPU%
January 22, 2002:
  • I was changing clickfuncs around so you can press enter from textboxes to do the same thing as the "OK" button...
  • Got the window to toggle between small/big if you double-click on the titlebar. (like shading windows)
January 20, 2002:
  • got textboxes and scrolling working.
  • The blinking cursor works!!!
  • Now, enters work in textboxes.
  • There is now a function pointer in the button class so you can actually make buttons do something ;-)
January 4, 2002:
  • I now have rendered mouse cursors as an option in the config file. (Normal, move, size)
  • Now, fullscreen is an option in the config file...
  • I found the source of a memory problem: my atexit function.
  • You can now drag windows onto multiple desktops.
  • Added password boxes!
January 3, 2002:
  • Sourceforge account started!
  • Got a nice version of the windowing system working for future output/input usage :-)
  • Now, there are multiple desktops (your mouse wraps over the edge), but you can't use them yet.
  • Added boxes with a cursor to type in.
    (I haven't added the typing part yet...)

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