The SourceForge site for VirtuaNet -- Screenshots

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VirtuaNet is designed to be a simulation of a possible future 'hollywood-esque' network, in which corporate spies and sabotage run rampant. It is designed to be a single player game, but multiplayer may be added in the future, allowing players to battle

Here are some screenshots of VirtuaNet:

I don't know why JPEG conversions don't like my mouse cursors...
I guess you'll have to see them for yourselves.   ;-)

April 4, 2002
Here's a list and a progress bar.
Here's a list and a progress bar.

April 4, 2002
An item is selected.
An item is selected.

April 4, 2002
Can I break into the computer systems with the code, 'password'?
Can I break into the computer systems with the code, 'password'?

April 4, 2002
Hey... the password, 'password' works...  But what's a subwindow doing there?
Hey... the password, 'password' works...
But what's a subwindow doing there?

April 4, 2002
A completely transparent window over an opague window???  Where did the first 2 list items go???  Oh yeah.  I scrolled down.
A completely transparent window over an opague window???
Where did the first 2 list items go???  Oh yeah.  I scrolled down.

April 4, 2002
What's on the console window???
What's on the console window???

February 2, 2003
Why would anyone want to have a menu of a menu of a window.
Why would anyone want to have a menu of a menu of a menu of a menu ^C^C^C^C^C^C^C^C^C^C^C of a menu of a window.


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