The SourceForge site for VirtuaNet -- C++ Documentation

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VirtuaNet is designed to be a simulation of a possible future 'hollywood-esque' network, in which corporate spies and sabotage run rampant. It is designed to be a single player game, but multiplayer may be added in the future, allowing players to battle

Config files (C++)   [ TOP ]

This file contains the (outdated) C++ Config files, not the Python XML Configuration files. The config files are extremely important; they have the game options.  First, and most importantly is the main one, config.ini.  It has many options:

[BEGIN] --- Tells the config file to begin
Title="VirtuaNet" --- The title of the window
X="0" --- The x position of the window
Y="0" --- The y position of the window
X Res="640" --- The width and height of the window...
Y Res="480" If they are 0, the game will be fullscreen
Desktops="4" --- The number of desktops in the game
Draw Mouse="1" --- Will the game render a mouse? (1=true, 0=false)
Blink Speed="3" --- The speed the cursor blinks (low=fast)
Switch Key Modifiers="SHIFT" --- The modifier for switching windows
Move/Size Key Modifiers="CTRL" --- The modifier for moving of sizing
Quit Key Modifiers="ALT SHIFT CTRL" --- The modifier to quit a window This one requires all three modifiers.

Then there are colors in all of the other .ini files.  For example, let's take the base color section of the button.ini file:

[BASE COLOR] --- Tels the program that we are in the right place
Red="0" --- Red value of 1st corner
Green="0" --- Green value of 1st corner
Blue="1" --- Blue value of 1st corner
Alpha=".5" --- Alpha, or tranparency value of 1st corner
Red="1" --- Red value of 2nd corner
Green=".5" --- Green value of 2nd corner
Blue="0" --- Blue value of 2nd corner
Alpha=".5" --- Alpha, or tranparency value of 2nd corner
Red="1" --- Red value of 3rd corner
Green=".5" --- Green value of 3rd corner
Blue="0" --- Blue value of 3rd corner
Alpha=".5" --- Alpha, or tranparency value of 3rd corner
Red="0" --- Red value of 4th corner
Green="0" --- Green value of 4th corner
Blue="1" --- Blue value of 4th corner
Alpha=".5" --- Alpha, or tranparency value of 4th corner
Texture="texfile.png" --- Texture to apply to object

That's it for config files, at least for now ;-)


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